Some people are drawn to Mongolia for its history, others for its rich cultural traditions. But for many, it's the abundant biodiversity of the country that truly sets Mongolia apart as a global destination. Home to a vast array of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and plants, the country boasts some impressive facts about its flora and fauna.
Growing up to three meters in length, the taimen, the largest freshwater fish, makes its home in Mongolia's pristine rivers and lakes. The country's vast eastern steppes are the habitat of one of the world's largest populations of gazelles, with herds stretching as far as the eye can see. Thirty-five rare and endangered mammal species inhabit the country, including the Gobi bear, snow leopard, and ibex, among others. Birdwatchers from around the world flock to Mongolia at dawn to spot exotic species such as white-naped cranes, over thirty species of raptors, and the world's largest capercaillie. Hundreds of edible and medicinal plants thrive in Mongolia, including wild blueberries, sea buckthorn, and blackberries, among others. With facts like these, it's no wonder Mongolia has become a dream destination for naturalists, fishermen, hunters, and hikers alike.
So what makes Mongolia so rich in wildlife?
With the lowest human population density of any country on earth and one of the highest proportions of land classified as protected, Mongolia is a haven where plants and animals can thrive. Locally managed nature reserves like Gun Galuut, just an hour from Ulaanbaatar, boast a diversity of species unrivaled in many of the world's most legendary national parks. Here, majestic mammals like the Argali sheep and gray wolf coexist with herder families committed to protecting these threatened species through conservation and sustainable management.
Further north, in Khovsgol National Park, rangers and tour companies are joining forces to protect the rich aquatic diversity found in the park's lakes and rivers through ecotourism initiatives focused on responsible fishing.
From border to border, Mongolia is a nation that appreciates wildlife and loves nature. Every countryside visit promises the opportunity to spot animals in their natural habitat and enjoy the generosity of Mongolia's flora and fauna.
There are 75 species of fish belonging to 36 genera and 11 families living in Mongolian rivers and lakes, of which 10 species are from 5 families in the closed basin of Central Asia, 22 species of 11 families in the Arctic basin, and 43 species of 11 families in the Pacific Ocean.
Currently, 38 species of fish are observed in the Kherlen River flowing through the Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve. It includes Taimen (Hucho Taimen), Lenok (Brachymystax lenok), Amur pike (Esox reicheri), Burbot (Lota lota), Amur dase (Leuciscus waleski), and Falthead asp (Pseudaspius parva), among many others.
The most common reptile in Mongolia, the Central Asian viper (Agkistrodon halys), is found in the Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve. Also, Pallas's coluber (Elaphe dione pallas) is found here. The Mongolian racerunner (Eremias argus peters) is the most common reptile in the Nature Reserve.
Toads are the most common amphibians at Gun-Galuut. The Siberian sand toad (Bufo raddei) and Siberian wood frog (Rana amurensis) are found in wetlands, lakes, and along rivers. They are the primary food for wetland birds.
Mammals inhabiting Mongolia include: 14 species of insect-eating animals, 12 species of winged mammals (bats?), 4 species of rats, 3 species of hares, 65 species of rodents, 22 species of carnivorous animals, and 14 species of ungulates. Overall, 35 mammal species have been recorded in the Mongolian Red Book for endangered animals.
Many mammal species inhabit the Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve. The threat levels of species in Gun-Galuut are:
Critically: Siberian white crane; Endangered: Wild mountain sheep and Swan goose; Vulnerable: White-naped crane, Bustard, Relict gull, Lesser kestrel; Near threatened: Cinereous vulture and White-tailed eagle; Least concern: Gray wolf and Corsac fox.
Wild mountain sheep Argali (Ovis ammon). Currently, there are over 100 Argali living in the Nature Reserve. The first Argali arrived in the area in the 1980s, but now it is known exactly where they came from. Argali live in the beautiful Mount Baits and Berkh.
The gray wolf (Canus lupus) also lives here, especially in Mount Baits and Berkh. They spend their days lying in the wooded and bushy ravines of the mountains and at night hunting domestic animals and sometimes herds of Argali. During the day, you can also see the fox (Vulpes vulpes), corsac fox (Vulpes corsac), Manul cat (Feles manul), badger (Meles meles), and lynx (Lynx lynx). The Mongolian marmot (Marmota sibirica) occurred here some years ago, however, due to illegal hunting now this animal is endangered. The area is rich in small rodents like tolai hares (Lepus tolai), mice, etc., White gazelles (Procapra gutturosa) often come from the east to this area.